Williams sold a DF-43 Roller Mill to a major lime kiln manufacturer for a plant in Madagascar. The mill is to reduce minus 2” (50mm) bituminous coal with up to 8.8% surface moisture, 43 Hardgrove or softer, to a product 90% or more passing a 200 mesh square hole test sieve, drive to minus 1% surface moisture, at a product rate of 11,077 lbs/hr (5024 kg), dry basis to direct-fire a lime kiln.
The lime kiln manufacturer has found that their Williams Roller Mill is far more efficient than their previous roller mill, especially for flow control. According to startup personnel, this superior flow control is great for NOX control on a lime kiln.
The customer is pleased with their Williams mill and with the level of customer service they have received from Williams’ personnel. With NOX emissions being so stringent, the efficiency of the Williams Roller Mill is a valuable asset to any project and can be easily integrated into a new or existing lime kiln or other system. Equally important to quality products is great customer service and knowing Williams is dedicated to helping our customers achieve success. Contact us today to discuss your next project.